
Baked goods are something that never goes out of style. If you are planning to set up a bakery business or are looking for wholesale bread companies to supply your bakeshop with heavenly delights, you have found the right page. 

To make it simple, wholesale companies sell products business to someone else who sells them to a customer. Unlike retail bakeries, they do not sell directly to consumers. So if you want to sell baked goodies, it's best to source your baked bread and goodies from wholesale bread suppliers that you trust. Simply log online and type “wholesale bakery near me” on the search box and read reviews posted on their web pages.

Choosing Between Wholesale and Retail

Once you have started your own bakery business, you can decide whether to keep selling products directly to clients or to be a wholesaler along the way. 

Wholesale Bakeries

If you want a more stable income from orders while meeting the demands of business clients, then becoming a wholesaler is a smart move. You won't need an attractive storefront just to be a wholesaler and you will have more options when it comes to the location. You just have to ensure you have your delivery truck to transport your goods to your local clients and those in other faraway places. 

Another thing to consider is the upfront cost which is a bit higher compared to retail and you also need additional manpower to help you manage high-volume production. If you shift to a wholesaler, you should expect that the overhead cost is also higher similar to other wholesale bread companies.

Retail Bakeries

If you opt to stay a retailer, you keep selling goodies directly to your clients. You won't have to produce baked goods in bulk as wholesale bread companies do and you can interact directly with your clients. Designing an inviting storefront is also one factor you have to consider but the upfront costs for a retail bakery is lower than wholesalers. 

One important thing to remember is that your income may fluctuate anytime since it is dependent on the number of clients you have each day. It can be difficult to determine how many baked goods you sell and you may also need additional manpower to manage the storefront. Your location also plays a very important role in affecting your rental fee as well as your income. 


Opening a Wholesale Bakery

If you have decided to open a wholesale bread bakery, take a look at these pointers to get you started: 

1. What menu are you planning to offer? Are you focusing on baked bread or do you plan on trying a distinct specialty? Remember that if you want to stand out from your competitors, you have to offer clients something they can keep coming back for. You can start offering artisan bread, gluten-free items, Italian pastries or gourmet cookies, etc. 

2. Where are you gonna sell your goods? The location of your store will affect your business. Check for any council laws concerning selling wholesale baked goods from your home. Just to be on the safe side, consider looking for a commercial kitchen near you where you can make and store baked items with ease. 

3. Do you have everything you need? Find wholesale ingredients and bakery equipment from a wholesale bakery supplies Sydney has today. Buying wholesale will help you save on costs compared to buying retail. You can find various local ingredients and buy them wholesale to ensure you are using fresh ingredients for your baked goodies. 

Quality Matters

Some people indeed buy the brand but only if it has good quality. The same is true when it comes to opening a bakery business. Whether you opt to be a wholesaler or retailer, always make sure that your goodies are freshly baked and have a special distinct flavour. This will make you stand out from your competitors. You can also visit our blog to keep you up to date with other related articles.