Plants are a necessary home accessory, and no one can deny it. It not only beautifies your home but also makes it a healthy place to reside. The more plants at your place the higher the oxygen level will be and you might not feel as depressed as someone living at a place with lesser or no plants. 


Even though a lot of people love to have various plants and colorful flowers blooming in their garden. Still, gardening and plant care are pretty difficult. That is why many people want to have low-maintenance plants. If you are a busy bee but still wish to have some plants at your place, then do consider succulent plants 

The plant choice is pretty subjective. There will be people who only wish to have the colorful flowers and not the prickly shrubs, while some would wish to have the shrubs only. Thus, it is difficult to guide people. That is why we are here to enlist a few plants that one can take care of at home. 

Must have indoor plants 
The first confusion is choosing the best indoor plants. Not many people are aware of indoor plants, as it is thought to be a luxury thing. 

Begonias are the greenish-purple leafy indoor plant, which can be placed in a small plant pot. You can have it at the window side to add color and refreshment to your room. These can be used as a decorative plant, as it comes with some patterns and shades too. 

Fuchsia is for the cooler regions. It has light purple or pink-colored flowers. You can have it at the window side. It is also for decorative purpose but can survive well without much sunlight, therefore you can have it as an indoor plant. 

Geraniums are often seen as the outdoor flowery plant, but it has also been discovered that you can have it at your window where there is limited sunlight. The reason why one will have geraniums at the window is the colorful depiction of the room and the window. 

Abutilon is a very common plant in colder and dry regions. You can have it in your room without worrying much about watering it, as it would not require much. Putting an ice cube in its pot will be enough. 

Outdoor plants for the garden 
If you are a busy bee then you must have the following plants in your garden, as they are pretty low maintenance. 

These are known for their low requirement of water and care. Luckily you can have these both for the indoors and the outdoors. If you have kids, then having succulents outdoors is better therefore we have placed it in this category. 

Persian shield 
If you wish to have some unique colors in the outdoor gardens, then this leafy plant with purple shaded leaves will be the best. The best thing is, it does not need any excessive sun exposure so you can have it under the larger trees.