Studying physics has become more and more painful for me each semester. I have too many tasks to manage, so I don’t have time for anything but studying. Meanwhile, when I write my physics lab report with the help of special online services, I significantly shorten my studying time. Still, knowing structure increases substantially my productivity, so I know what and where to include information I maintain. So, I share with you my tactics of building physics lab reports efficiently so as not to lose any critical information. 


1. Title page is your topic.

The content of the title page is not more than 5-12 words long and should insist on the main lab report’s idea. Write it affirmatively, which means don’t include any interrogative elements. The most common formatting style to use in creating a lab report’s title is an APA guide. 

2. Write an abstract last.

In this part, you need to provide a summary of what your report is about. Tell readers about the rationale on the subject you’ve researched and describe how many people took part in the investigation. Method, significant findings, and final sentence should fit in 150 words. Here it is vital to use notes form to describe the information. Why should you write it last? Because only after the whole process is done you can effectively analyze all pitfalls you’ve met during lab report preparation. 

3. Introduction is for hypothesis support.

I use an introduction to provide essential background for the hypothesis of my physics lab report. First of all, I start from general knowledge of a particular subject. It lets readers understand my comprehension in studying the field. Explaining each theoretical framework, I understand the logical structure of my research. Summarizing and extracting essentials from previous studies helps me clarify what gap I fill with my work in the discipline. If it is a high value, I represent the goals of my lab report and bring hypotheses to life. 

4. Describe the method.

The methodology is a crucial part of a physics lab report because it depicts how you’ve conducted an experiment, which challenges you’ve faced, and how you’ve managed them. Represent who took part in your research, what measurements and calculations you provided, what materials you used, and how you organized an experiment. In this part, you need to write in the past tense, so first, make an operation with all necessary details and then move to the description.

5. See the results.

You don’t need to analyze the experiment in this section. On the contrary, you need to face reality even if it is not what you’ve been expected. Report the figures, in fact, considering standard deviations and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each level. If you need to represent 4-20 numbers, it is best to use a well-designed APA-style spreadsheet. Statistics, test results, and other material gained during the experiment should also be designed in a clear and understandable form. You can create a chart or table instead of long lists.

6. Discuss everything you need.

Here you can analyze everything you’ve done in the previous point. Remember, being a physics student, you need to be precise about your findings and don’t fly away from the main point of your research. Compare the results with the hypothesis showing your audience whether you as an author have reached your goal. Convince readers why they should be confident in your results and represent the meaning of your experiment. It is OK if you are doubting but mention it and stay transparent with writing your work.

7. Represent references.

The difference between references and bibliography is that the first list is the cited sources you’ve included in the text of your lab report, and the second is all material you’ve used to understand your topic better. During the writing references section, stick to the terms of any formatting style guideline, particularly APA, to help readers analyze where you’ve taken the information. 

Finally, writing your physics lab report is not as difficult as it seems. First of all, save my seven lucky structure principles to use in your further tasks and succeed in college no matter what!