To provide your end-users with the best possible experience, you need to know the different variables that affect your content delivery network. Fully-functioning websites are not without their drawbacks. The two most common ones are bandwidth limitations and high latency. Which one is worse? We will explain what high latency and low bandwidth mean for your website to understand the impact they have.


Latency: What is it?
A network's speed is greatly affected by network latency. When a packet of data travels from a client to a website server and back, it is referred to as latency. Low latency connections experience little delays, while high latency connections suffer from long delays. Generally, latencies are measured in milliseconds (ms) and are also called ping rates.

Is there a reason for Internet latency?
Internet latency occurs for a variety of reasons, as one can see. Internet latency can also be influenced by the type of Internet connection used, in addition to the distance between the computer and the servers handling the information. It also makes a big difference in how the Internet is accessed. In comparison to wireless or Wi-Fi connections, an Ethernet cable can greatly reduce Internet latency. High latency can also be affected by old routers or the number of users connected to a particular router. 

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of web servers or points of presence (PoPs) that is used to deliver content faster. By replicating and storing content throughout the CDN, the user has access to the data that is stored close to their location. 

Content is stored in this manner (and more efficiently) than on a single, central server using the traditional method. As opposed to all clients accessing the same central server, each client accesses a copy of the data close to the client to avoid bottlenecks near that server.

Positive User Experience = fast-loading content. Having centralized data results in slow loading speeds, which negatively impacts the user experience. It takes longer for content to reach any one of these objects (in this case, the user and the server) when there is a distance between these objects. A CDN works by two main mechanisms:

● Make sure content is available in multiple, globally distributed data centers so that end users may download it faster.
● You can optimize the delivery of content to users based on the content type.