Hiking is such an exciting sport

One gets to be active, move the entire body, and spend hours preparing, planning, and unpacking. On top of that, hiking is a great way to connect with nature.


Getting outside and exploring the wilderness is a great way to keep your heart pumping and soul alive. There is a special connection between people and nature that can be enhanced via hiking.

Still, to get the most out of this experience, it’s important to know how to prepare for it. Walking around the block is easy, but hiking in nature is a whole different level. 

Always Hike Properly

To hike properly, you must have the right gear.

Buying hiking shoes anywhere isn’t the same as getting them from a store specialized in hiking products.

Hiking lovers know that an essential piece of any hiking, especially extreme hiking, is shoes.

Feet must be supported the best way possible and well-protected to support you going distance.

Extreme hiking is far from walking on a well-maintained trail. True hiking is about hitting the road, exploring the unknown terrain, taking a turn from the trail (safely as possible, of course), and even crossing the river when needed.

On top of that, extreme hiking is about hiking all year round - neither rain nor snow should stop you from making that hike.

This is why passionate hikers choose to get tactical gear no matter the cost - tactical clothing and gear are what will keep you warm or cool, extremely comfortable no matter how warm or chilly the day (or night) may be, plus it will keep you free of chafing (this is something that is extremely important for days when you won’t be able to be your tactical clothing and gear for days) - that being said to get the most out of tactical clothing and gear you should focus on shopping the gear from stores that are focused ones of selling merely gear for outdoor sports, such as hiking. 

Make Your Hiking Ultralight

When it comes to great hiking, you need to pack light.

Carrying as little weight as possible is crucial when it comes to great hiking time.

Ultralight hiking is possible if you choose the right gear. Plus, moving with light gear on will make the entire hiking experience more enjoyable. How to achieve this? The biggest secret and the biggest challenge is to buy lightweight whenever possible.

Buy the lightest tent possible 
If you are hiking during the summer, choose a lighter bag
Pro-tip: Sleeping bags are categorized according to temperature, so basically the sleeping bag, the heavier it is. Know which bag to take, depending on the time of the year:
If possible, choose a backpack that can weigh around two pounds

Sounds like mission impossible? Ultralight hiking takes experience, different approaches to packing, and constant learning of new ways of packing. 

If you are a hiking novice, talk to more experienced hikers. Also, make sure that your first hike isn’t too light, because safety comes first. Plus, ultralight hiking comes with time, and you need that experience.