Even though cremation is becoming more and more popular each year, there are still many

Misconceptions surrounding it. If you’re trying to decide between cremation and burial, it can be a good idea to learn as much about it as possible.

There is no wrong or right choice when it comes to burial versus cremation. The right choice is simply what you’re comfortable with as well as which method is aligned with your traditions and personal customs. So, without further ado, here are 5 things you should know about cremation.

1. Many Options for Personalized Burial

While considering the final disposition of the cremains, a lot of options are available, and you can choose more than one. Such options include:

Outdoor Burial

* Urn garden
* Granite front niche
* Small-sized plot for the cremains
* Existing adult burial plot

Indoor Interment

* Glass Niche “Memory Box” or Columbarium
* The mausoleum that is designed to house both urns and bodies

Creative Interment

Cremains can also be split between creative and traditional interment. They can be placed in the items that serve to keep the loved one close to their family members' lives and hearts. Some of the creative possibilities include:
* Memorial benches
* Memorial stones
* Grave markers
* Memorial jewelry
* Memorial glass

2. Not Everything Burns

There are certain things that a 2,000-degree oven cannot burn. While a deceased is cremated fully, objects like joint screws, gold fillings, prostheses, or metal plates will remain even after the fire is out. Such items are usually removed before cremation but in certain cases, things may be missed during the preparation.

3. Ashes Aren’t Ashes

Many people refer to the cremated remains as ashes, which is only natural, considering they are the remnants of the fire. But these are not technically ashes. Rather, they are broken-down bone fragments that somewhat resemble coarse sand. The amount of ash leftover depends on the person’s height (prior to their death), which means taller people will leave a much larger pile of ashes compared to shorter people.

4. Uncollected Remains

Many family members come and collect cremated remains of the deceased, however, there are times when family members don’t come to collect the cremated remains. It can happen because they forgot or a deceased doesn't have family left. Whatever the case, the funeral directors are obligated to hold onto remains for a specific amount of time. The time depends on a city’s guidelines. Once the time is up but remains are still unclaimed, funeral directors must dispose of them respectfully.

5. You Can Have the Viewing Too
A lot of people assume that you must choose between having the funeral and viewing at the funeral home or cremation. In reality, you can do both. Whether that means having a funeral centered around a deceased’s remains in an urn or having a funeral before a cremation process begins, there are options the funeral director will discuss with you.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, the information above proved to be helpful to you. Now that you know more about cremation and what you can expect from it, making the decision will no longer be difficult. Be sure to reach out to a Philadelphia mortician if you have any more questions.