
Do beautiful people have it easier in life than others? The answer is yes. They make more money, get promoted faster and are often times simply more successful. According to a new study, they even have it easy when it comes to job hunting.

Italian researchers sent more than 10,000 resumes out. They were the same, and they changed only the first name, last name, address and the photo included to test for ethnic and regional biases and the impact of beauty on a resume.

The results were outstanding: Callback rate was 30% across all CVs sent out. If it was an attractive woman, it was 54%. If it was an attractive man, it was 47%. Unattractive women had only 7% callback rate while unattractive men had a 26% rate.

The study mirrors the results of another study using a similar design, titled "The Labor Market Return to an Attractive Face: Evidence from a Field Experiment," from researchers looking at Argentina. Beautiful people had a 36% higher callback rate compared to unattractive ones.

In other similar studies, an Israeli study discovered attractive males got a significant boost, but attractive women were discriminated against, though it could be part in play of their own culture.

But the take back from all of this? Doll up. Look your best in that headshot. That's going to get you a callback.