Topshop is trying to one up itself after getting 4 million viewers tuning in to its livestream for its fashion week show in February. Now, for its Spring 2014 collection reveal on September 15, they are using a mobile app called Chirp to distribute looks from its show via sounds. How does that work?
Chirp allows users to transmit images, links and contact information to iPhone and Android devices via sound. It can be transmitted over radio or a YouTube video or by someone in the near vicinity. To receive them you only need to have the app installed on your mobile device.
Topshop is planning to use the app to distribute images and to show attendees via several "Chirp locations" installed around the event area. Check out how it works below:
Shoppers can walk through to receive image transmissions on their devices via sound or simply tune in with a headset. Topshop will also be live-streaming its show with unique features to allow viewers to see color options of products as they appear on the runway.
The products used in the show will be available immediately for purchase and delivery after the show concludes. Certain apparel and accessories will be available for pre-order for delivery three months ahead of it arriving in stores.
Tune in to at at 3 p.m. GMT on Sunday, Sept. 15 to watch the show live.