
NASA's Messenger probe discovered what it looks like to be a raised human shape on the surface of Mercury. Does it look like Star Wars' Han Solo? What's going on?

The photo was taken back in July of 2011, and while it hasn't been seen by public eyes just yet until last week, here's a quote from scientists about the picture:
A portion of the terrain surrounding the northern margin of the Caloris basin hosts an elevated block in the shape of a certain carbonite-encased smuggler who can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.

If there are two things you should remember, it's not to cross a Hutt, and that Mercury's surface can throw up all kinds of surprises. This block may be part of the original surface that pre-dates the formation of Caloris, which was shaped by material ejected during the basin-forming event.
Still, we'd like to think there was some other space explorer who got stranded there and just carbonized like Han Solo. Though it's really unlikely that happened. [Yahoo via Fark]