
So remember when Marina Shifrin when viral after posting an epic video announcing that she quit to quit her job at Taiwanese animation company Next Media animation. Here's a refresher below in case you missed out:

The "I Quit" video which was posted Sept. 28 has since racked up 15 million views (and counting). Shifrin says the video was shot at 4:30 a.m. during the end of one of her overnight shifts, and took only 10 minutes to execute:
"I just kind of of realized that the job wasn't really for me, and I hadn't been sleeping because they were doing construction on my apartment," she said. "So, when I made that video, I hadn't slept in a week. You're watching me lose my marbles at work basically.

"I thought it was kind of ironic considering I make videos all day and so what better way to give a final goodbye than a video," she explained.
As for her former company, they've since decided to respond with this tongue-in-cheek parody of the original.

But Shifrin takes it all with stride, saying "I think that was exactly the way they should have responded. Part of the company's makeup is responding to viral videos, making parodies of them, so I thought it was cute."

As for what she's been up to lately, an appearance on the Queen Latifah talk show led to the host offering Shifrin a new job as a digital content producer for the program. She's still deciding about the offer and has until Oct. 14 to make up her mind.
"It's just a great offer and I really really clicked with the staff. I definitely want to work with them; I just want to make sure that that's the right decision for me right now."
So there you have it, proof that quitting your job in style can sometimes lead to bigger and better things. Just be sure not to burn too many bridges on your way out.