
Heads-up Displays are about to get more common in the near future. Now, researchers from the University of Porto in Portugal have developed a clever system that could allow drivers of smaller vehicles to see through large trucks and buses.

Relying on two components, it uses a small video camera mounted to the front of large vehicles and an LCD heads-up windshield display allowing other drivers to see a live wireless stream of the feed.

It allows the driver of a smaller vehicle to see through the vehicle ahead of them, a common problem when you're behind a truck or a lorry for example. This is great because the drivers can then spot any dangerous oncoming traffic before they try to speed up and pass it.

The heads-up display is still far from perfect and ready for highway use. It has a 200 millisecond delay in the live feed, which in traffic can make a huge difference between life and death.

Still, it's amazing to think that cars will soon be retrofitted with things like this. Check out a video of it below: [Instituto de Telecomunicações via Gizmag via New Scientist]