
It looks like the NSA has pretty much been spying on everybody. Now a new report is saying that the agency had gained access to the Mexican Presidencia domain on the Mexican Presidential network and have been monitoring then-president Felipe Calderon's email account.

The document was leaked ala Edward Snowden. The document also shows that the NSA has been surveilling the Brazilian government.

The hack provided insight into Mexico's political system and internal stability, and the revelation is definitely not a surprising one, but is one to lead to increased tension between the U.S. and Mexico.

Reports of the NSA's surveillance in Brazil has also caused Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff to cancel a Washington visit a few weeks ago and deliver a critical speech about NSA espionage at the UN General Assembly.

Rousseff had previously cited economic motivations as a potential reason for NSA surveillance, but NSA director General Keith Alexander denied this.

At this point, you'd be surprised to find your country not on the list of communications being spied on instead. [Der Spiegel via Slashdot]