
Think twice before spending money on those hyper-real colored contact lenses you plan on pairing with your Halloween costume this year or you might end up regretting it.

According to this recent CBS report, putting contact lenses in for purely aesthetic reasons without consulting an eye care professional first could lead to a whole host of cringe-worthy medical issues:
Part of the risk is that people often don't go to the ophthalmologist or optometrist to make sure that the contacts fit properly. Improper fit can lead to scratches on the cornea, which is the clear dome of tissue above the colored iris portion of the eye. People can also get an ulcer on the cornea, known as a corneal infection. There's also the risk of getting conjunctivitis, or pink eye, and having decreased vision. It some cases, these problems could lead to blindness.

And the health risks could occur with only one wearing.

"Wearing it for a couple seconds could cause damage," Dr. Edward Kondrot, an ophthalmologist and the founder of the Healing The Eye & Wellness Center in Dade City, Fla., said to "If its poorly fit, you could develop a scratch on the cornea, and it becomes an open wound."
Lets face it, no Halloween getup is worth going blind over.

[CBS News]