
Remember NASA engineer Mark Rober? He made headlines two years ago when he made a video of his Halloween costume - a hole in his chest. It was optical illusion made by using two iPads, some duct tape and some smarts.

Since then, Rober's created a whole host of futuristic Halloween costumes and is starting to explore the full possibilities of tablet and smartphone integration.

He decided to quit his job at NASA to pursue the costume business full-time, running a start up called Digital Dudz. It only took Rober eight hours of selling costume kits to make back his money and not long after, his company was acquired by UK-based Morph costume company.

Now Rober's back again with more tricks up his sleeve. He's showing off app-based animations through holes in clothes. The latest designs include a velcro punch, and the apps are available on Android and iOS.

Rober intends to add more tools to use from the devices' gyroscope to a GPS chip and even an NFC one.

Check out his gaping hole costume from two years ago here: