
Well, this certainly is interesting. The brand-new Ms. Marvel superheroine is making a come back to the Marvel universe.

Known as Kamala Khan, sources reveal that she comes from New Jersey, has shapeshifting superpowers, and will be a Muslim. From the New York Times:
[Kamala's] genesis began more mundanely, in a conversation between Sana Amanat and Steve Wacker, two editors at Marvel. “I was telling him some crazy anecdote about my childhood, growing up as a Muslim-American,” Ms. Amanat said. “He found it hilarious.” Ms. Amanat and Mr. Wacker noted the dearth of female superhero series and, even more so, of comics with cultural specificity.

When they told G. Willow Wilson, an author, comic book writer and convert to Islam, about their idea, she was eager to come on board as the series’ writer. “Any time you do something like this, it is a bit of a risk,” Ms. Wilson said. “You’re trying to bring the audience on board and they are used to seeing something else in the pages of a comic book.”
As for why Kamala is fixated on Captain Marvel:
“Captain Marvel represents an ideal that Kamala pines for,” Ms. Wilson said. “She’s strong, beautiful and doesn’t have any of the baggage of being Pakistani and ‘different.’ ”

Ms. Amanat said, “It’s also sort of like when I was a little girl and wanted to be Tiffani-Amber Thiessen,” from “Saved by the Bell.”
It's always good to see more diversity on the comics shelves. Here's hoping that the new Ms. Marvel will win over fans and boost sales needed to stay in circulation.

Now if only someone could help us explain the confusing porcupine side-kick with the Hulk Hands in that pic...