
The touch environment of Windows 8 was such a big leap from previous versions of Windows that many PC users have chosen to stick with Windows 7. (according to Net Applications, Windows 7 is installed on almost half of all PCs in operation today).

So Microsoft isn't leaving them behind. Windows 7 users will enjoy the benefits of Internet Explorer starting today. It will be available for download in 95 countries, and will include the same performance, security and stability improvements that Windows 8.1 has enjoyed. According to Microsoft, "real world" websites load 9% faster on IE11 and 30% faster than competing browsers thanks to better Javascript performance.

Microsoft also says IE11 has more effective security tools, citing statistics from NSS Labs. In a recent study, the information security company said IE blocks 92% of malware and phishing attacks. Google Chrome was the next highest at 71%, with Safari and Firefox way behind at 37% and 35%, respectively.

"We were approached by a man named Dan Church who was looking to bring Hover back," Capriotti said. "Dan was a child in the '90s, and the game was one of the things that drove him to be a software developer. He had worked to re-create the gameplay for the web."