
All you die-hard Marvel fans out there might want to consider getting a Netflix subscription, as Marvel has just announced that they'll be airing four new live-action Marvel superhero TV shows in 2015.

The shows will be based on characters Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Daredevil. The four series will be a minimum of 13-episodes long each, and be released over the course of several years. Here's what Alan Fine, President of Marvel Entertainment, had to say in the official press release:
“This deal is unparalleled in its scope and size, and reinforces our commitment to deliver Marvel’s brand, content and characters across all platforms of storytelling. Netflix offers an incredible platform for the kind of rich storytelling that is Marvel’s specialty. This serialized epic expands the narrative possibilities of on-demand television and gives fans the flexibility to immerse themselves how and when they want in what’s sure to be a thrilling and engaging adventure.”
And as if that wasn't enough, they're also planning to release a miniseries event based on the Defenders. So exciting, we wish it was 2015 already!
