
Your surfing habits are compromising the security at your work. But just before you get blamed for the brunt of it, the execs are doing their fair share too.

According to research from ThreatTrack Security, 40% of security professionals found that a device used by a member of their company's senior leadership team was infected by malware. The reason? Visits to a pornographic website.

60% of the security professionals surveyed have wiped malware after an executive had clicked on a malicious link or was duped by a phishing email.

ThreatTrack CEO Julian Waits Sr. said. "Every day, malware becomes more sophisticated, and U.S. enterprises are constantly targeted for cyberespionage campaigns from overseas competitors and foreign governments," Waits said. "This study reveals that malware analysts are acutely aware of the threats they face, and while many of them report progress in their ability to combat cyberattacks, they also point out deficiencies in resources and tools."

The study was based on surveys of 200 security professionals at large U.S. businesses. [Image: Louis du Mont]