
Global warming is real. The World Meteorological Organization secretary general Michel Jarraud said in the latest report that "The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998."

The WMO report says that 2013 will be the seventh warmest year in recorded climate history.

The catastrophe in the Philippines is just another step up in this spiral of increasing weather destruction that is affecting the planet.

Jarraud said, however, that "although individual tropical cyclones cannot be directly attributed to climate change, higher sea levels are already making coastal populations more vulnerable to storm surges. We saw this with tragic consequences in the Philippines."


Climate Central says that the latest United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change "found that global average sea level is likely to rise anywhere from 10.2 to 38 inches by 2100, depending on the pace of greenhouse gas emissions and warming of the climate system."

Global warming is a slow killer.