
One hardcore Iron Man fan has created an amazingly realistic 3D printed Tony Stark's headpiece. It even works - it auto closes when you nod.

Fanboy Ryan Brooks has tried to do a lot of Iron Man stuff from back in 2011. He tried to create an Iron Man suit that would fold up into a "briefcase". But that didn't really work out.

This time, he came up with something more doable. He created the Mk. III helmet and it is very realistic.

Using an Arduino Pro Mini and an Adafruit accelerometer, he rigged the helmet's faceplate to open and close based on which way the wearer nods. By nodding backwards, the faceplate will open and by nodding forward, the faceplate will close.

Brooks is currently selling iterations of his servo mechanism on his website, starting at $150.

Brooks also added "Jarvis" voice action to the helmet that tells you if it is booted up and ready, along with air lock and "whoosh" sound effects when the faceplate opens and closes.

Check it out in the video below:

The Real Tony Stark, via Technabob