
Would you implant a twinkle in your eye? With body modification, kind of mainstream these days, it's no saying what kids won't do. Lucy Luckayanko of New York City implanted a platinum twinkle onto her eyeball.

Gross? Lucy will be the first to get the Safesight jewelry implant in NYC (Europe and LA have seen hundreds of surgeries like these done already). The process involves inserting the jewelry between the sclera (the white part of the eye) and the conjunctiva (the clear, outer membrane).

Dr. Emil Chynn, the medical director of Park Avenue Laser Vision and surgeon to Luckayanko, assures My FoxNy that it's "actually pretty safe."  Dr. Chynn explains:
It's a very thin piece of platinum that's designed for insertion on the top of the eye, it's not in the eye so there's no risk of blindness or anything at all. She could have a little bit of local bleeding. That could go away in a couple days or couple weeks. She could have an infection but we'll prevent that with antibiotics.
What happens when you get bored of it? [MyFoxNY via Daily Mail]
