
Microsoft's latest online letter template was made to help men ask their significant others for an Xbox One console as a holiday gift. The ad is coming off as "sexist" to some.

It tries to be cute by coming out with an "explanation"  to get the woman to budge and the letter, which can be personalized and shared via social media or email, lists various reasons why the console would benefit their "relationship".

The letter begins: "You’d rather knit than watch me slay zombies, but hear me out on this. Xbox One is actually for both of us. Seriously."

It suggests that the console would prompt the couple to work out together and get the woman to watch movies and chat with her sister via Skype while the man watches the game. Oohh, very sexist indeed.

"You love movies and I love football. Well, with the Xbox One, we can love both," it reads. "We can catch your favorite team AND check out my favorite team. Just think of all this togetherness we're going to experience. It's gonna be awesome!"

Check out the template below:


According to a recent study, nearly half of gamers are women, but they are often made to feel like the minority. What do you think of the ad?