
Ever gotten rid of something only to find out that it costs you a fortune? We guess hoarding is great in this context. One British IT worker accidentally got rid of his hdd that contained 7.5 million worth in Bitcoin.

He started mining the digital currency before anybody ever heard of it and managed to stockpile 7,500 of it. Based on today's exchange rate of about $1,000 per Bitcoin, that stash is worth $7.5 million.

James Howells threw away the hard drive containing the key he needed to access that small fortune. Omg.

"I'm at the point where it's either laugh about it or cry about it," Howells told The Guardian. "Why aren't I out there with a shovel now? I think I'm just resigned to never being able to find it." 

What would you do if lost 7.5 million? [Guardian]