
Photographer Alexander Khokhlov and makeup artist Valeriya Kutsan teamed up to create these beautiful pieces of art - to blur the lines between 2D and 3D.

Their second photo series together is titled "2D or Not 2D", and they shot some magnificent portraits of models wearing both geometric and abstract makeup on their faces. Kutsan's makeup application gives the illusion that the images are of flat paintings instead of real models. Can you tell?

Khoklov says that the whole process was a long one, and it involved pairing inspired images with the right model, and applying the makeup. The whole thing would take between two and four hours. Then, lead photo editor Veronica Ershova spends between two and five days editing the portraits.

The team filmed a behind-the-scenes video documenting the pain-staking process.


Visit Khokhlov's website to see more of this stunning photo series.