
Here's something interesting in the development of medical science. Brain surgery is about to get easier. At least, with a lot of practice that is.

It's no brainer that brain surgery is one tough cookie. Mastering it on a real live patient, is actually quite hard. But thanks to 3D printing, doctors can now practice!

Doctors at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur have conjured up a 3D-printed skull that has different layers for the skin, bone and membranes that make up a human brain. It will allow researchers to tailor the feel and texture of each layer, making it as close as possible to the real thing.

Soon to be doctors can be use these skulls to practice extracting a tumor or learn how to drill into the skull. These are the kinds of things they don't have to learn with older skull models. And the better part? They can be customized using a real patient's brain makeup to serve as a simulation.

[New Scientist]