
IFTTT launched an app that allowed location based recipe making. People could build geo-based recipes to do things like post to Facebook when they are on vacation or save photos to Dropbox and more. IFTTT wasn't the only app with this idea.

Two days before they launched, UK based VisualCandyApps launched LIFTTT. It touted similar functionality, allowing people to create recipes with location triggers. This may just have been the worse possible timing to launch an app.

While the two may be similar, there are a few things LIFTTT wins over in terms of features.

"We added things power users will appreciate," said VisualCandyApps founder Anya Mallon. Finer-tuned controls let users add parameters to their recipes, running them only at certain times of the day or days of the week, which helps sales people or hourly workers track their time. While IFTTT restricts users to 20 locations on its app, LIFTTT doesn't impose such a limitation and also lets people name their locations to easily identify them. Furthermore, recipes run only when users have been at a specified location for more than a minute to prevent false triggers caused by "drive-bys," says Mallon. Plus, LIFTTT has an Android app.

Will LIFTTT be able to find success even with direct competition from IFTTT? What do you think?