
Jeff Garzik wants to save Bitcoin by blasting it into space. He recently proposed a plan to send a Bitcoin computer into space with an inexpensive CubeSat. The reason: so there would always be a node in the network that hackers can't crack.

The CubeSat would be able to communicate with Bitcoin computers on Earth by radio. The idea, isn't actually a bad one either.

Wired's Robert McMillan points out that Bitcoin computers are vulnerable to so called Sibyl attacks.

"It could give criminals a way of spending their bitcoins more than once," he explained in a recent blog post, "and it's also part of the so-called selfish miner scenario that Cornell University researchers described last month, saying it could bring down the entire system."

Garzik has raised 37 Bitcoins—about $37,000 at current exchange rates and he wants to organize a trip there. Of course, going to space is going to cost more than that. Will his plan ever come to fruition?[Bitcoin Forum via Wired Image via Flickr / antanacoins]