
Managing fuel costs when running a fleet of trucks or vehicles is a balancing act, with several components contributing to savings. The average truck driver in the United States drives over 125,000 miles annually, and their diesel fuel costs increase quickly. Keeping your business with a positive revenue comes down to learning the tips and tricks of fleet fueling for an efficient system.

Your company depends on delivering goods to the correct location and on time. Minimizing fuel costs when fueling fleet vehicles will keep your customers happy and increase your profit margin.

The good news is that you've discovered the perfect guide to fleet management and saving on fuel costs. Continue reading to learn the methods you should use to make fleet fueling more affordable and convenient today!

Invest in Preventative Maintenance

One of the best steps for fleet fueling is preventative maintenance on your trucks and vans. Investing in oil changes and tune-ups will keep your vehicles running like well-oiled machines. They'll run more efficiently, helping you save money on your fleet fuel costs.

Use synthetic oil to increase gas mileage and dependability for your fleet. It's an oil with lower viscosity, helping the engine run clean and smooth. Consider building a preventative maintenance program for your vehicles to keep them pristine.

Cut Idling

Spend time at a truck stop, and you'll hear several semi trucks idling their engines. Idling doesn't seem harmful on the surface, but an hour of idling wastes half a gallon of gas. Instruct your drivers to limit the time spent idling the engine to save money on diesel fuel.

Check Tire Pressure

The tire pressure on your trucks and vans is another factor to consider when attempting to save money on fuel costs for your business. The proper level of tire pressure allows the vehicle to glide down the road with less drag, using less fuel in the process.

Your aired-down tires are cutting into your gas mileage, causing you to spend more money to make the same deliveries. Start a habit of checking tire pressure during your maintenance routine. Ask your drivers to look for signs of tires losing air to decrease the amount of fleet fueling you use.

Streamline Your Routes

GPS is an incredible technology, especially for fleet management. You can use it to find the most efficient routes for your drivers from Point A to Point B. You'll cut out empty miles that cost your company more money when paying for diesel fuel delivery.

Cutting empty miles could save dozens of gallons of gasoline for your drivers. Ensure your drivers use each mile of their trip to deliver the goods to the client. You'll burn less fuel, spend less money, and grow your profit margin.

It helps to use GPS to look at road surfaces for the best routes. Find roads with a smooth surface to avoid drag and lower gas mileage. It's an excellent way to decrease the diesel fuel your drivers are using.

Encourage Safe Driving

Changing driver behavior is another effective way to save money with fleet fueling when managing a fleet of trucks or vans. Encourage your drivers to slow down and drive safer. Your company will experience a better reputation for safety, and you'll save money on fuel costs.

Speeding uses more fuel since the tires and vehicle face more resistance from the road and wind. Slowing down keeps your drivers within the speed limit to avoid costly tickets from law enforcement. It's also an excellent way to use less gas when delivering goods.

Encourage drivers to avoid excessive lane changes, fast cornering, and hard braking. These driving changes will prevent accidents and help you save money on fueling fleet vehicles.

Use Fuel Card Discounts

If you know you'll spend money on fueling your fleet vehicles, fuel cards are a wise investment. You'll save significant money when refueling your vehicles at participating gas stations nationwide. Fuel cards are designed for vehicle fleets to keep costs down and track employee spending on fuel.

Find a card option accepted at the gas stations you frequent the most. You'll get detailed reports on how much each employee spends on gas, decrease annoying paperwork, and track your truck fleet purchases for accurate record-keeping.

Consider Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are the way of the future since they're more efficient and better for the environment. You'll decrease your fuel costs when switching to an electric fleet. The fuel economy your drivers get will be incredible, though the price for electric vehicles is a barrier to entry.

You can also use alternative fuel sources, like biodiesel. It's a renewable fuel resource from animal fats and recycled cooking grease. You'll reduce your fuel costs and make changes to help the environment around you.

Improve Aerodynamics

The most traditional way to improve fuel consumption with massive semi-trucks is to invest in better aerodynamics. An aerodynamic truck will have less drag and save money on diesel fuel. Consider investing in materials to streamline areas of the truck and trailer that catch the most wind on the road.

The area with the most drag is the gap between the trailer and the cab. Using material to close that gap at higher speeds makes the truck and trailer more aerodynamic and fuel efficient. The truck won't sway, and you'll eliminate turbulence when driving to the destination to deliver your goods.

Cut Costs on Fleet Fueling Today

Fleet management requires hard work and innovation, and one of the keys to the job is learning how to save money when fueling fleet vehicles. Invest in GPS to streamline drivers' routes and encourage them to make safe driving decisions.

Improve the aerodynamics of your truck, and invest in preventative maintenance to boost fuel efficiency by tuning the engine. Try checking tire pressure to reduce drag and increase the money saved on diesel fuel.

Are you ready to make the changes to build an impressive and efficient business? Read more of our Auto and Technology content to save money and become an industry leader today!