Whether you find yourself physically or mentally exhausted after a workday, to avoid burnout everyone needs to find efficient ways to relax and recuperate. Many people find it difficult to strike a healthy work-life balance, and do not take the time they need to chill out. If your mind is constantly fixated on work, here are 8 great ways to help you relax after work.


1. Change Your Clothes
One easy way to go from ‘work’ mode to ‘home’ mode is to change out of your work clothes. This simple act gives your mind a simple nudge to remind it to relax, while getting into a more comfortable ensemble can help you chill out after a working day.

2. Enjoy Some Fresh Air
Whether your job involves being outdoors all day or not, enjoying some fresh air outside can help blow away the cobwebs and revitalize your mood. It doesn’t matter if you decide to take a stroll around the block, go for a run in your local park or simply step outside for a moment in your garden, being outdoors can help keep stressful, work-related thoughts at bay. Furthermore, studies show that daylight exposure is beneficial for your overall wellbeing. It could help lift the mood and improve sleep quality too.

3. Do Something You Love
Doing something you love after work is a great way to unwind. Whether that’s watching TV, playing casino games on AW8 or reading a book, hobbies can help keep your mind off work while engaging it in a healthy way.

4. After-Work Exercise
After a long, tiring day at work it might sound counterproductive to work your body out some more. However, exercise helps release mood-lifting endorphins that can make you feel happier. Furthermore, regular exercise can improve your quality of life by helping you maintain a healthy body weight and strengthening your body. Not to mention, regular exercise has been linked to a decrease in one’s risk of developing certain health conditions and diseases.

5. Practice Meditation
Meditation is an age-old practice that has been around for thousands of years, and it is used to help people quieten loud, negative thoughts. There are a variety of meditation practices, and you should choose one that best suits your personality and your needs. For example, mantra meditation uses repetitive sounds to focus and is suitable for those who do not thrive in silence while visualization meditation involves visualizing positive images, figures or scenes to induce feelings of serenity. This type of meditation is best for visual people and can help promote inner peace. Whichever meditation practice you choose, with regular practice you will achieve clarity of mind and relaxation.

6. Create To-Do Lists
Those who find it difficult to structure their thoughts can create to-do lists for mental clarity. Studies show that writing lists are excellent for reducing anxiety and increasing productivity. To-do lists are a great way of getting chaotic thoughts out of the mind and onto paper. In turn, you are left with a visual way to prioritize and complete tasks. Simply jotting down pressing thoughts and turning them into tasks that can be ‘ticked off’ can help alleviate work-related stress and anxiety.

7. Reduce Screen Time
One sure-fire way to increase work-related stress is by using your phone for work purposes after your shift has finished. Many people link their phones to their emails and receive messages about work throughout the day. If you are guilty of this, you are cheating yourself out of a completely work-free evening. People need time to recharge after work. Unfortunately, this is not possible if you are getting work notifications constantly. If the type of work you do does not allow you to simply switch off, reducing your screen time can help. Try to stop using your phone, and other electronic devices, at least 30 minutes before bedtime. This can help you switch off from work and improve your quality of sleep too.

8. Establish a Healthy Sleeping Pattern
Getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night is vital for proper bodily functions and cultivating a healthy sleeping pattern can help you achieve a good night’s rest. Not only will this help you feel more alert and ready to take on another day the next morning, but it also helps keep diseases at bay and keeps your body healthy. Without enough quality sleep, your mind and body are impaired. Establish a healthy sleeping pattern by doing something calming before bedtime. This can include reading a book, taking a warm bath or listening to some music.