There are plenty of marriage proposals going viral every day, but it takes a real geek to come up with something special like the ones listed below:

Google Glass

Captured using Google Glass, this quick clip features Breon Nagy proposing to his girlfriend at Leeds Castle in Kent, England.

Twitter, Foursquare and Qik

This carefully orchestrated proposal by Digg's Matt Van Horn involved a string of social media feats that came together to create the ultimate surprise.

Nexus 7

Not everyone is a fan of Apple products. When Raj wanted to pop the question to his girlfriend Adit, he decided to do so using the Google Nexus 7 tablet.


Self-described web geek Len Kendall proposed to his longtime girlfriend over the Internet by coming up with a meme of himself. Buzzfeed readers were then encouraged to submit their own clever memes using his face to sway her decision.

Super Mario

Here's one way to impress your Princess Peach! Using a hack, the game spells out "Lisa... will you marry me?" in gold coins.

Little Big Planet

Really demonstrates the video game's amazing level creation functionality.

Chrono Trigger

The video description reveals just how much serious work went into this super-romantic hack, which includes notable locations, quotes and characters from the couple's real life.

Iphone App

LinkedIn employee Bryan Haggerty developed the Romantech iPhone app that would lead his girlfriend around San Francisco, spelling out a <3 on the map. Haggerty was waiting in the last location to propose in person.

Iphone Ad

Boyfriend proposes to girlfriend in a mock Iphone commercial.

Megatouch Slots

The company behind the bar games system went the extra mile to help this Washington gent propose to his special lady friend via her fave Megatouch game.


Jason Muscat proposed to his girlfriend Christina at a park by surprising her with a small RC helicopter carrying the engagement ring.

Google Street View

Google employee Michael Weiss-Malik took advantage of Google's Street View passing near the Google offices to send this message to his special lady fried.

New York Comic Con Flash Mob Proposal

Last but certainly not least, this proposal will appeal to all the comic lovers out there. Spoiler: That Pokeball actually has a ring inside.