Would You Wear These Night Vision Contact Lenses?
Scientists have created the first room-temperature light detector that can sense the full infrared spectrum, according to researchers at the University of Michigan. It can be stacked on night vision contact lenses! This invention is very real—the r...
Predator-Vision Contact Lenses May Come Using Graphene
Graphene continues to make headlines, and this is the latest: a pair of contact lenses that give you Predator vision. That's what the researchers from the University of Michigan have developed - the first room-temperature light detector that can see...
Scientists Make Plants Work Better by Making Them Bionic
Graphene is truly some magical material. So it's no surprise that a team of chemical engineers and biochemists have managed to change how plants work, using that. They made plants work better by embedding carbon nanotubes into the plants' leaves so ...
Ground-Breaking dataSTICKIES are Your New USB Data Drives
dataSTICKIES are the new USB. Created by Aditi Singh & Parag Anand, the award-winning design is the next generation of data portability that will replace USB data drives. Like its name suggests, dataSTICKIES can be carried like a stack of sticky...
Graphene's Latest Trick is Blood Clotting
Graphene is slowly shaping up to be a real wonder material, the only thing left for it to do is to make it out of the lab and into the real world. Here's another future use for the super material: a coating that eliminates blood clotting in medical ...
Graphene Electronics May Finally Be Possible
Graphene hasn't become a reality just yet in mainstream chips, but a new breakthrough from an international team of scientists might change all of that. The scientists invented a new form of graphene that's ten times more conductive. The impressive ...
IBM Scientists Made More Magic With Graphene
Graphene is in the realms of mad science. It's crazy awesome as to what it can do. IBM's scientists created a graphene-based circuit that is 10,000 times more powerful than existing alternatives. It can even send a text message to your friends. IBM ...
Newly Created 3D Quantum Matter Works Like Graphene
Graphene is one of the most lusted after materials in science. Now, a team of scientists have made a 3D counterpart we can use to build things with. Led by Oxford's Yulin Chen, the sodium-bismuth compound, Na3Bi holds many of the same properties of ...
Stanene May Be a Tad Better Than Graphene
Graphene has been getting enough attention already as a super conductor. Now a team of researchers have developed something better: Stanene. It is a single layer of tin atoms that could be the world's first material to conduct electricity with 100 p...
Your Next Condom Could Be Made of Indestructible Material
When a condom breaks, the next form of contraception shouldn't be "prayers". Jokes aside, (or not), a broken condom can be a nightmare, though not very often. To convince people to use them more often, the Gates Foundation is looking to scientists t...
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