Twitter cofounder Biz Stone's new startup, Jelly, is only a week old, but that hasn't stopped analytics firm RJMetrics from looking at its activity.

Robert Moore, from RJMetrics said he was able to scan all the questions posted so far on the app by using publicly accessible API endpoints. He determined that more than 100,000 questions have been asked, with only about 25% receiving an answer. His report shows that Jelly saw 8,275 new active users on the day of its launch, with 5,183 people asking and 5,527 answering.

Jelly's most popular question asked is a variation of "What is this?" followed by "Who is this?" which makes sense according to Moore, because Jelly is a visual-based question-and-answer app, so questions that begin with why and where are less applicable.

The 59th most-asked question on the app was "Who am I?" and the 77th most-frequently asked question was "What does the fox say?"

The chart below shows the breakdown of question types by the five Ws and H:

Moore also raised concerns about user engagement seeing as activity dropped off the last three days. He also found questions that weren't answered within half an hour are unlikely to be answered at all.