Supersonic Travel is Getting Back in Business

Super speed traveling was once a thing of the past. Travelers could go from one place to another in a matter of hours by hopping aboard a supersonic aircraft. Because of the disastrous demise of the Concorde, we've sadly been confined to subsonic speeds.
Now, a new aerospace company is aiming to fix that inconvenience. The service though will be for the very rich.
Spike Aerospace unveiled a concept aircraft they believe will be great for the elite. The 18 seat aircraft dubbed S-512 is capable of flying at mach 1.6 to 1.8. It is slower than the Concorde, but is much faster than any private plane out there.
The price of the plane? North of $80 million. Still, the service won't be available until at least for a few years more. Design challenges like getting the aircraft's sonic booms below FAA regulation requirements will likely take up much of the company's time until then.
Check out the video below.
[Spike Aerospace, via SlashGear]
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