Mitsubishi's Air Conditioner Uses Predator Vision To Cool You Down
What if your air conditioner had predator vision? Mitsubishi will be releasing its new Z series Kirigamine air conditioners that will feature an infra-red camera that can detect and automatically target the warmest parts of your body. Sounds pretty ...
More Creep Shots Will Be Coming Because Of This Creepy iPhone Periscope Camera
Here's a rotating spy lens from Photojojo that will turn you into a spy making it incredibly easy to covertly capture images on your iPhone. For $20 you get the lens and an adhesive magnetic ring that sits at the back of your iPhone 4 or 5 making it...
Siri Gives You Attitude When You Ask Her About Google Glass
Siri has her moments. And from time to time, she starts cracking jokes. While not all of them are funny, it gets better when she starts trashing her competitors. Siri got an update that taught her the difference between "glass" and "Glass". When you...
Daily Mail Got Duped About A Google Self Driving Taxi Service
An article in the Daily Mail reported that an urban alterna-taxi service will be purchasing 2500 of Google's new self driving cars, the GX3200. That's great! The only problem? It's not real! This data comes by way of a TechCrunch story about the fir...
Make Your Own Keys With The Power Of The Sun And Some Plaster Of Paris (Video)
Want to be your own locksmith? You can now. Hack A Day has an easy accurate way to make your own spare keys with nothing but some plaster, sun and a giant fresnel lens. First, you put a thick layer of plaster of paris in a small box, and place the ...
Want To Print Your Own Fossils? This Database Has The 3D Plans For Them
A new database of fossils from the British Geological Survey has the necessary files for you to 3D print fossils yourself. Now you can have your own museum. Of sorts.The database has thousands of images of fossils you can zoom in and out and rotate ...
How Radar Saved Great Britain During World War II
This map outlines how radar saved Great Britain back in World War II. In the summer and fall of 1940, Great Britain was being pummeled by Luftwaffe bombers. There was a diminishing supply of fighters and men to fly them and the Royal Air Force could...
These Hip RFID Rings Can Get You Around While Looking Fashionable Too
How do you feel about using rings to open doors and paying for things? It's fashionable, and you'll never lose them, unless you take them out. This is the Sesame Ring. The wearable Charlie Cards can get you around because they are implanted with RFI...
Contributed: The Future Of Mobile Technology Is… You
The smartphones we're all familiar with today aren't just the result of manufacturers working hard to provide the hardware, but also the users who have the biggest say on what they expect from their devices. In this article, H.K. Kwon, Managing Dire...
NASA Is Going To Lampoon An Asteroid Armageddon Style. Check It Out (Video)
The next frontier for mining is in space. But before they can do that they'll first have to figure out how to get on to one. And it's been one of NASA's goals to latch astronauts on to space rocks and take samples for studying. The agency released...
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