The Future of Text to Speech
It is pretty obvious that the future of text to speech is definitely in high demand. From learning to the automotive industry, people are using it more and more by the day.Companies like Naturaltts are really innovating and improving by the day wit...
This Syndrome Can Take Away Your Speech Over and Over Again
The Landau-Kleffner Syndrome is a very terrifying condition. It takes away a person's ability to make or understand speech. First discovered in 1957 by William Landau and Frank Kleffner, the cases identified were all children, between three and thir...
Facebook Likes Are Now Considered Free Speech
Like to like much on Facebook? It's now going to be protected under free speech in the U.S.'s First Amendment. It started in a funny but very real story where Sheriff BJ Roberts was running for reelection when six of his employees had liked his oppo...
Listen To This Epic Speech From The 'King of the Nerds' (Video)
Nerds of the world, prepare to meet your idol. This epic speech was made Nicholas Selby, a sophomore at Georgia Tech who is majoring in Mechanical Engineering. The speech was part of annual welcome event for entering students, and something tells u...
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