We’ve reached a point in our digital world where it’s safe to assume that we’re living in the ‘Experience age.” People are constantly looking for experiences that feel new, meaningful and relevant to them. So it’s not surprising to say that they are expecting the same from your company in every aspect. They want to feel that you value them, that you go out of your way to provide a satisfying experience that seems tailor-made for them.

That’s especially true when talking about modern websites. A site with good user experience (UX) makes your audience feel welcomed while also generating trust, reducing bounce rates and improving conversions. Of course, building a good UX isn’t an easy feat. Fortunately, you can learn how to do it with the aid of a tried-and-proven ally - Javascript.

That’s what everybody is doing. According to a study from FreeCodeCamp, 70% of companies are looking to hire Javascript developers. Brands understand the language’s importance in the modern world, so they are seeking the help of local talent or they are choosing to nearshore or offshore Javascript tasks to ensure they get what it can bring to the table.

And what’s that?

Since its inception, the language brought fresh possibilities to maximize what an HTML page can offer. And that’s even truer today when more than 95% of websites use Javascript to provide richer interfaces and, ultimately, better online experiences. How does it do that? By providing the following 4 key benefits.

1 - Easy implementation of complex design elements

Real-time notifications, special effects in on-screen objects such as windows and menus, and smooth slideshows couldn’t be possible in today’s Internet without Javascript. Thanks to the various Javascript frameworks such as Angular, React and Vue, web developers can easily embed complex elements in their sites.

Thus, Javascript allows for animated menus that scroll out when you hover your mouse over them, sliding windows that are perfect to include calls-to-action, responsive web design to seamlessly fit your site in different devices, and even virtual reality apps that you can embed on any web page. 

2 - Reduced impact on loading times

You might think that embedding many complex elements on a website would take its toll on the page loading time. Yet that doesn’t happen with Javascript. Since it’s an event-based programming language, Javascript executes its different code segments only when required. That means that it only loads the basics at the beginning and executes the rest if needed, slashing the initial loading times for each page.

The complex elements are only loaded on request - such as when the user hovers the mouse, scrolls past a certain point or clicks a button. This also allows for the creation of sections that can be refreshed independently from the whole page. This is very useful to show real-time information without having to refresh the entire page each time new info is available (such as when transitioning images on a slideshow).

3 - Guaranteed compatibility for all browsers and devices

One of the main strengths of Javascript is that it’s supported by all modern browsers by default. This means that anyone using a Javascript-enabled browser can check your website just as you intended it and without any limitations. 

Since we’re living on an omnichannel world, where people use their laptops, their tablets and their smartphones to access the same sites, ensuring the same experience across all devices and their browsers it’s super important. Imagine entering a site on a desktop PC to later access it through your mobile phone to check that some of the features that wowed you aren’t there. That won’t happen with Javascript.

And since we’re talking about mobile devices, it’s important to note that Javascript is responsible for any site with good responsive web design. That’s thanks to the combination of Javascript with HTML5 and CSS3 that makes it possible for Javascript development companies to work on a website within a single codebase.

4 - Extended possibilities through APIs and add-ons

As if all the things that Javascript can offer you weren’t enough, you can extend them even more with some of the countless APIs and add-ons available in the market. 

Thus, you can use ready-made APIs to offer richer experiences that feel like they came from the future. There are options to create immersive virtual reality galleries, introduce speech recognition components, and even embed objects capable of interacting with a device’s sensor (such as a smartphone accelerometer).

The Javascript universe is so vast and ever-growing that the possibilities you can get to provide a wildly different UX to your visitors are almost infinite.

An essential building block for modern websites

If you want your website to feel modern and up to the users’ standards, you can’t escape Javascript. The language has been a web staple for years now and that doesn’t feel like it’ll change any time soon. The reason is that it’s the main responsible for a rich and smooth UX.

Dynamic objects, powerful animations and effects, real-time information display, responsive design, and the possibility to ensure the same experience across devices and browsers are undeniable elements of any 2019 website. 

The important thing is that those elements aren’t optional anymore. As more and more websites continue to grow and expand their possibilities with Javascript’s aid, users have to expect that kind of advanced experience in every site they visit.

That’s why you need Javascript development services to help you improve your