Search Engine Optimization may be a young discipline relative to other marketing fields but it’s evolving so fast. While the basic underlying principle is the same; SEO today looks almost nothing like when it first started. SEO strategies change so incredibly fast that what was relevant a year from now will probably not be relevant anymore in the coming months. 


In a few weeks, the new year will be upon us; and what better way to welcome the new era than to count down the top SEO Trends for 2020. Let’s begin.

SEO Trends for 2020

1. Voice Search - Welcome to the future where no one wants to type their queries anymore. Google data show that 20% of all searches are voice searches. By 2020, that number could be as high as 50%. Websites that are voice-optimized will generate more organic traffic. 

2. Snippets - Position 1 is no longer the goal. Now, Position 0 is the place to be. The goal is to provide clear enough answers to commonly asked questions so it will be featured in a box on top of the first result. More than half of clicks from Google come from Snippets so it’s no wonder that it’s one of the top SEO trends for 2020.    

3. Mobile Optimization – We have been living in the mobile era for many years now so if a website still does not have a mobile version; that’s just blatantly ignoring what the market demands. Mobile UX is a top SEO trend in Australia and all over the world. 

4. Optimizing for Intent – Google has evolved from exact-keyword matching to search intent analysis. If that sounds like super nerd stuff, it’s actually not. For instance, a user types in SEO agency in Bondi, Google will also offer other digital marketing or web development services as well as other locations that the user might be interested in. For instance, the search results can include SEO services in Sydney, which is only a few miles away.  


5. Artificial Intelligence – AI is one of the hottest trends today. It’s already being used in a number of industries. The beauty of AI is that is gives users a unique, easy, and customized experience. AI has become the new standard within the algorithms of search engines. 

6. Content Collaboration – There is an old adage that Content is king in SEO. While it’s true that constantly and continually coming up with high quality content can be challenging. Nevertheless, this opens up the possibility of content collaboration and working with others to co-create content. This in turn gives a website benefits like trust, shares, and natural backlinks. 

7. Influencers in SEO – A recent report from Forbes magazine shows that while millennials hate ads, 57% of them will view sponsored contents when these feature authentic people (i.e. Influencers). It’s no wonder that digital marketing experts invest in influencer marketing. Influencers are poised to be leveraged for search engine optimization. 

SEO is growing up so fast and it’s exciting to watch it evolve. These SEO Trends for 2020 will give you an idea of what the discipline will look like and help you prepare for what’s coming.