Before knowing the importance of local search, we suggest you know about what is local SEO first. Because, if you understand the concept of Local SEO, then there will no problem knowing about the importance of local search. So, let us start in brief now!!!


Local search engine optimization is the concept of optimizing a website to make it visible in local search results. seo services offers a wide range of local SEO services to the website owners in order to achieve business goals.

Local search includes all those nifty things relevant to local areas such as doctor clinic near me, barber shop near me, sweet shop near me, ice-cream parlor near me, etc. It means Local SEO is the process of generating local traffic on the website. In this process, many efforts are including such as content, on-page optimization, and link building.

To make it possible, you have to change the focus of Google across the world to the local search. But remember, if you fail to do this, then a different impact you will experience in your business, which may not be suitable for your business.

Do You Know Why Local Search Is Important?
Here, we are giving some statistics in percentage through which you can easily understand the importance of local search.

There are approx 50 percent of people who did a local search before going on their smartphone before visiting a physical store personally.

Similarly, there is 34 percent of people who did the same but not on their mobile phone; they did search on their computer or tablet.

Due to local mobile searches, approx 18 percent of sales leads within one day.

If we check America records, then we found that 60 percent of American adults search on Google to attain information and details on tablets and smartphones regarding a local item, service, or product.

If anyone is looking for the local business address, then there are more possibilities of searching it on local search. Approx 50 percent of searchers conduct mobile phones to search for any local service.

Seventy-eight percent of local-based searches on a mobile device end in purchases being made offline.
Seventy-one percent of people who have been surveyed have said they search for the location of a business in order to confirm its existence before going there for a first-time visit.

1 in 3 searches on a smartphone was conducted just before arriving at a store.

In the year 2017, 97 percent of people search online for local businesses only. But now, 12 percent of consumers are looking for a local business every day, which is not a small number.

Now, you may understand what the importance of the local search for any website is. If you want to grow your business, then we suggest you to hire any Local SEO company to get quality service.

What is the future of Local SEO?
According to current data, it is continuously showing that local SEO is increasing day by day. In the future, the demand for local SEO will increase, not decrease. The daily smart devices such as mobile phones, Amazon Echo, or Google, their trend will be more in the future. So, we can’t neglect the importance of local SEO in the future too. But, we can’t ignore also that Google is continuously changing its algorithms, so we can’t predict it with full confidence.