Justin Bieber's Arrest is More Popular Than Beyonce's Secret Album Drop

We posit that a lot of people saw this coming, and were waiting for it to happen. When Justin Bieber got arrested, Twitter exploded. He has been the talk of the town since it broke early in the morning.
The singer had been arrested for a DUI, and the police confirmed that he was arrested for it as well as drag racing. Conversations about this hit more than 6,100 tweets per minute in the last 12 hours, according to Twitter beating Beyonce's 5,300 tweets per minute when she unexpectedly launched her album on iTunes.
Bieber's arrest seems to have divided the Twitter world, and many are using hashtags to show their support, or dislike of the pop star. Popular hashtags include:
#DeportBieber - 11,080
#FreeBizzle - 7,956
#FreeJustinBieber - 4,013
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