
Google Glass now has stronger integration with Google Calendar and Maps, and it will let you navigate to your home or workplace with a few spoken commands.

The XE11 software update, announced on Google+ connects Glass to your Google Calendar and allows the wearer to use easy voice commands to see appointments. Just say "OK Glass, Google" and then specific a calendar command like "my agenda" or "what am I doing this week".

On top of the calendar improvements, Google also improved Maps letting users get directions to Home or Work as long as the user has specified those addresses. Just speak "Directions" and say "Home" and it'll take you back.

If you're pairing Glass with an Android phone, you can start a screencast right from your notifications window without having to launch the app.

Lastly, in related news, Google has updated its FAQ for Glass, first reported by Android Police. Google's terms of service now says it won't deactivate the device if you sell it.