We all strive to create the perfect product or service, and with some clever presentation and a little marketing, we expect to carve out our share of the global market. While it is true that a successful business is a combination of many factors, there’s one essential service you simply can’t afford to be without, and that’s Search Engine Optimisation. 


We’ve all heard the term SEO, but do you actually know what it is? For those who feel their business is not getting the response it deserves, here are just a few of the reasons why SEO is the key to sustainable growth.

1. Know The Consumer – Today’s consumer is far removed from their predecessors, and the digital highway has brought with it an unprecedented level of convenience. Google (and other major players) have cornered the online search market, and with more than 2.5 billion (yes billion) smartphone users worldwide, many of which are online shoppers, you simply can’t allow yourself to be a search engine also ran. Click here for an informative article that examines the importance of knowing your customers, whch might help you to better understand how the consumer thinks.

2. Search Engine Algorithms – Google frequently changes the way they rank websites, and this has created an entire industry (SEO) that is dedicated to keeping abreast of the complex processes, and without a specialist in your corner, millions of potential customers will be directed to your competitor’s websites, as they had the foresight to hire an SEO specialist. It’s very easy to see how your site ranks, simply type in the right keywords into a search engine window and click “Go”, and if your site isn’t on the first page of search results, you need SEO.

3. It’s All About Traffic – You can have the best website in the world and a product that is simply unbeatable, but if no one knows about your store, your story ends right there. There are several techniques the SEO experts use to drive traffic to a site, and whether you’re in need of SEO services in Sydney or Melbourne, sourcing the right provider is also something Google can help with. Once you’ve made contact with a local SEO company, they will assess what you already have and put together a digital marketing plan that is designed to drive traffic to your website.

4. Digital Marketing Plan – Simply put, a digital marketing plan is your pathway to success, and as every business is unique, its marketing strategy must be tailored, and with the flexibility to handle market changes, the SEO expert implements every aspect of the program. Tweaking a website is akin to tuning a Formula One car engine, and eventually, the optimum settings will ensure a healthy volume of traffic. Digital marketing is performance based and by using state of the art analytical tools, every aspect of a site can be assessed and amended if necessary, and with ongoing support, you can expect a very healthy return on your investment. For those who would like some further reading on the importance of a marketing plan for a new business, here is an informative article on the subject.

5. Reaching the Right People – Marketing is all about defining your target groups and then finding the best way to reach them, and with an established SEO provider in your corner, sales will reflect the expert attention, and your biggest problem will be servicing the many new clients. SEO is most definitely NOT something you can afford to overlook, and with so much online competition, it makes sense to enlist the help of a proven SEO professional.

If your business isn’t firing on all cylinders, and you know there is room for improvement, call in an SEO professional who can identify the weak areas and put together a dynamic plan to put your business firmly on the path to success.