
Apple's latest phone may have some really tough to crack security. Now they want to make the phone itself tough to crack.

According to a patent published a couple days after Tuesday's iPhone event, they might be thinking on how to make indestructible iPhone.

It involves wrapping it around with sapphire, and the process is detailed in the patent filing describes how it would sandwich a piece of glass between two layers of sapphire to make a laminate. It would practically be unbreakable.

Sapphire is an expensive material to begin with and if they do bring it to market, you can only imagine what the next iPhone would cost to make, let alone how much will it even sell for.

Preparing the sapphire would be difficult but not impossible. Their latest Touch ID fingerprint scanning home button is actually made of sapphire crystal.


Imagine Gorilla Glassing a whole iPhone. Maybe they'd like to increase the size of the phone first.

[Patently Apple]