
The idea of projecting anything on a car's windshield seemed like science fiction years ago. Today, its becoming a reality and Pioneer's NavGate head-up display is the latest in it. And its also quite affordable.

The NavGate system clips onto the driver's side visor and uses lasers to create an image equivalent to a 30 inch display, 15 feet in front of the vehicle. It will display everything from turn by turn directions to estimated time of arrival and the current speed and speed limits.

The system also pairs up with a smartphone and works with the CoPilot and iGo Primo navigation apps.
Pioneer's NavGate will be available in Europe next month for a cool £600 (approx $933 / RM3,000 ). Should they make this tech standard? We sure hope so. Here's to the future. Check out the video below: [Pioneer via Engadget]