NASA Is Using An Old Satellite To Look For Asteroids
What do old and out of commission satellites do in space? Besides floating around, there's pretty not much they bring to the table. Except when NASA resurrects it. They did just that with one to hunt for asteroids. The Wide-field Infrared Survey Exp...
NASA Digitizes Old Moon Photos In An Abandoned McDonald's
Businessweek has a video about the moon photo digitization efforts over at NASA's Ames Research Center. The project is currently taking place in an abandoned McDonald's. The mission is to digitize photographs taken yb the two lunar orbiters in 1966 ...
How 3D Printing In Space Is Going To Happen (Video)
NASA announced that it would be taking a 3D printer to space in 2014, and now here's how that's going to work. The video below shows off how astronauts will be able to print objects as they orbit Earth. So Star Trek you say. But while it's not prin...
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