About 7% of the world's population are color blind. When it comes to surfing the web, the condition makes it almost impossible to understand a large amount of videos, images, and charts.

17-year old high school student, Animesh Tripathi, in India, wants to change that. Tripathi spent the last two years experimenting with algorithms that allow color schemes online to be adjusted to accommodate the needs of the color blind.

Tripathi is developing an extension to Google Chrome, called ReColor, which would let color blind users adjust colors with settings of their choice.
Before Tripathi’s research, the color-blind had a few options for improving their digital experience, including primitive webpage filters to shift color schemes. But Tripathi’s algorithms would allow for the first native, built-in feature on web browsers that would make turning on the color-blind mode as simple as clicking a button.
“One of the key elements of responsible design is making an experience inclusive of all types of audiences,” Tripathi said in the project’s promotional video, “thus it’s essential for computer experiences to cater to color-blind people.”

The inspiration for this project came from a friend, who was devastated to find out he couldn't become a fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force due to a diagnosis of red-green color blindness.

The project, named Improving Digital Experiences for Color Blind Computer Users, is now on IndieGogo. Tripathi has already raised $1,218, surpassing his $1,000 goal.