
The most powerful laser in the world can fire super powerful blasts of light ten times a second. It has one quadrillion watts of power and it will be headed for a science facility in the Czech Republic.

The "High Repetition-Rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System," or HAPLS, is being built by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to power international laser research at ELI-Beamlines.

The laser is capable of blasting high power pulses shorter than 30 femtoseconds, and will be used to research laser's applications in medical imaging, particle acceleration, quantum physics and more.

The HAPLS laser will be built and tested at Lawrence Livermore in California before being installed at the ELI-Beamlines facility in 2016.

Pictured above is the Mercury laser, built by Livermore researchers in the late 1990s. The HAPLS system will use similar diode technology to reliably fire multiple blasts per second for hours on end.