
Technology is moving so fast that we'll no doubt have smart homes in the very near future. GE is imagining all of that with a bunch of design concepts for "Home 2025". It won't be as out of this world or not-in-our-lives kind of tech.

The design concepts include an array of appliances, from a window mountable urban grill to a convenient cabinet mounted 3D printer to a thermal nightstand. They get more complex as they go on.

There's a closet and clothes washer hybrid that will dispense your outfit as a compressed, octagonal pellet. It can wash clothes without your help, and you can even visit your laundry machine's "virtual closet" and select your outfit of the day.

In the kitchen of 2025, there's a biometric sensor on your sink, and your fridge will be able to dispense ice, carbonated water and specialty drinks.

Check out the concepts in the video below:

GE, via Tumblr

And in the not so far away future as well, here's a video taking a look at how close we are to the ones shown on British TV show Black Mirror. While its theme is more towards the dark side of life and technology, I can help but imagine we're already on our way there. Wearable tech and implantable tech will soon be here too.