
Ever thought why online shopping is getting popular? In 2011, online shopping increased up to $600 billion; however, people don't just buy anything from anyone. Hefty prices and perishable items are hard to sale along with the products that require testing before purchase are also on the list. 

Nonetheless, online shopping is an integral part of our lives, and the seller is making good money through this business. So without further ado let us take a look at why do people prefer online shopping?

Collating Shopping

The primary factor behind people who prefers online shopping is that they get ample choices to compare and opt for the most appropriate one. No need to walk through the entire shopping mall to compare products, online sellers like Sellaholic offers products by dozens of brands so that you get nothing but the best. Moreover, buyers also get an idea from the reviews on the products. 

Looking at the seller's end, this approach enables them to give a tough fight to the big daddies of the market. Sellers offer every minute detail such as specifications, reviews, etc. which helps them make a better decision. 

Commending prices:

Admit it or not, but we all strive for it. The majority of shoppers opt for hybrid shopping where go visit the physical store and choose a product, later they conduct an online search to find the best possible price, smart though! This mantra always works for clothing, footwear, and perfumes, etc. 

Talking about the seller's end, if you dare to render an aggressive price, you can bag all the bargainers. Use cheesy phrases such as drop-shipping, or “deal of the day” to drop the rates of the products. 

Feedbacks from previous buyers:

As an online seller, one cannot deny the significance of online reviews. Moreover, it is also an indispensable reason for people switching to online shopping. To put it in simple words, if you want the customer to purchase your product, show them the proof of other customer's reviews.

Talking about the seller's end, make sure you add clear reviews and ratings of the product along with the social media handles. The buyers need social proof before purchasing as a guarantee that it is worth their money. 


We all enjoy busy lives, and upon choosing between money and time, the majority of people go for time. Therefore, saving precious time is a big reason why people are switching to online shopping. They know they are trading genuine products for time-saving and other online benefits, and honestly, it sounds a fair deal to me!

Now, addressing the sellers, in today's competitive world buyers have no time for bad user experience. Therefore, make sure your website is optimized and saves the user's time. Besides, the fastest shipping and superior customer services can also work as icing on the cake as shipping lag can succumb to your potential client. 

Oh yes! Did I mention the cool deals and the vast range of brands on sellaholic?