
Many people are tone deaf. If you're one of them, don't worry, science may have found a way to make you a musical genius. All it involves is a bit of neural tweaking in adulthood. Researchers say they can fix that part of your brain that makes understanding music tough.

The ability to correctly identify the pitch of a sound without a reference point can now be fixed as scientists are experimenting with some brain-changing drugs that might be able to flip the switch for people as adults.

While it probably won't make you the next Mozart, you'll at least be able to distinguish a note from another.

Researchers gave adult mice “histone-deacetylase” or HDAC inhibitors and discovered that they suddenly exhibited perfect-pitch qualities. They gave the same kind of drugs to adult men who then also suddenly became pitch perfect adept.

Further research will have to be done before science can start fixing everyone who can carry a tune.

[via Frontiers Image: Flickr, Janet Ferro]