Which one is the best choice? Have you ever have this kind of question on your search for the best hosting for wordpress? That’s normal. That’s also a common question that people ask in your situation. The main difference is how you will get the answer to that question. For this purpose, people mostly use several methods as you can see below.

Reading the Hosting Provider Review

We can easily find a website where we can read a review of a certain WordPress hosting provider. They explain the features that the provider has, performance and many other elements you might need to know before you purchase the hosting plan from that company. Then, some of them are categorized in the best hosting provider category, which means they are the best choice for you who need a hosting provider.
However, we can’t just believe what those reviews said. The hosting industry is big. They spend millions of dollars to run the business. It is also including the cost of promoting their service through an affiliate program. And, many of these review websites are a member of that program. So, it is reasonable if they write a good thing about the company.

Therefore, you can’t just depend on the review. Use it as a reference to see what kind of features that each hosting provider has. Then, you can compare and decide it yourself with this information which hosting provider that is perfect for your WordPress blog or website. You may need to learn more about what your website needs, so it can perform well. It takes time, but it is worth to do.

Ask the Actual Users

The other method is asking the actual user of hosting provider service. You can get more objective information from them. Of course, it would be better, if you are close with those users and that users also use the WordPress hosting for similar purposes like yours. You can ask them to help you to set up your WordPress using the hosting similar to what they use. 

However, you can’t limit yourself to find information from a similar WordPress blog or website user. Try to ask other users that have a different type of blog or website. A good WordPress hosting has to be able to provide good service and satisfying results for all kinds of type users. Once you find similar good opinions and information about a certain hosting provider from many users, you can see that hosting service as a good choice you can consider.


Try It Yourself

This is maybe the best method to find the best hosting service for WordPress. Each hosting provider has the basic or the cheapest plan. Try to use that plan and find it yourself the good and bad things from that plan. It may take time. Moreover, purchasing the short term plan also costs some amount of money. However, it is worth to do because you will find it yourself what that hosting provider can do. 

For insurance, you can choose the hosting provider that allows you to change hosting easily or end the plan without a complicated process. Then, when you want to try other hosting services, try to find that also allows you to migrate to the next hosting without hassle, much better if you also can do it for free. Once you find the hosting provider that matches all the criteria of the best hosting service you need, you can keep using it. 

Things to Remember

You will use the best hosting service to host your WordPress-based website or blog. Therefore, you also need to remember to ensure that hosting service offers help and features that support WordPress. For example, a simple feature like easy installation is a good start. It means you don’t need to set up and adjust the platform too much. You can just use the WordPress code you have and run your website. Moreover, if the hosting provider also has already-installed WordPress, that’s a good thing. 


In short, the method to find the best hosting for wordpress is similar to when you search the best hosting service for other platforms. The only difference is the hosting service you are looking for must support the WordPress platform. However, if the hosting service doesn’t state that they support WordPress, it doesn’t mean you can’t use it with your WordPress platform. As long you have and use PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.15 version or higher, you can use that hosting service for your WordPress platform.